
Don’t be an ELD Island anymore

Be Part of an Archipelago

I can help you:

*Map a K-12 ELD curriculum

*Teach academic speaking
*Scaffold writing
*Modify content
*Develop teaching skills & strategies

ELD Teachers are usually islands at their schools. Let’s be an archipelago together!

ESL archipelago of islands
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Speaking Test Problems??


Are your students tearing their hair out over the WIDA Speaking Test?




Join my mailing list, and get a free WIDA Speaking Practice!


Never fear, Kim is here!

Coming Soon To This Site:

  • Course on mapping an ELD curriculum
  • Blog posts about my 10 steps for mapping an ELD curriculum
  • Blog posts about each of the high-yield language functions
  • Courses for new ELD teachers
  • Refresher courses for experienced ELD teachers
  • Store to purchase resources to teach ELD

coming soon sign

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WIDA ACCESS speaking test practice
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